Asian Girls in shorts advice for visiting South Korea
There are many places that don't require a visa when visiting South Korea but North America is not one of them, so have your visa ready. South Korea will offer you many restaurants and accommodations and the scenery is beyond compare especially off the beaten path and in the rural areas. In this article I thought I would give people a heads up on some quirky things that South Korea offers and I'm sure you'll find in some of the information it's quite humorous but they are a fact of South Korea.
Tips on traveling to Korea;
If your planning to travel to Korea then there are a few facts that you should be aware of to make it the best vacation it can be and tips on traveling to Korea can provide information that will be very useful to you on your journey.
First of all, before you leave home be sure that you have a valid passport and visa. Visitors that go to Korea come from 99 nations around the world. Most of these nations have special agreements with Korea, with the exception of people without a nationality or those without diplomatic relations .When you enter Korea two documents should be filled out. These are an E/d card and a custom declaration form. If your trip to Korea will be more than 90 days then you should have a visa before you go and you will find that there is a fee for these forms.
1. I'm sure at some point you may find yourself walking down a sidewalk somewhere in South Korea after leaving a parking lot. If you happen to hear a bell and see a red flashing light it is not the ambulance or the fire truck as you would expect in North America it means there is a car coming somewhere. Korea doesn't have a lot of space so you'll find most parking spots underground which usually open onto a busy street. The red light and bell is set off by a motion sensor as a warning that a car is coming from some place so beware and get out of the way.
2. Parking can be a little frustrating as parking places are usually stacked on different levels. It is a good idea to drop your passengers off first as space is limited and with very small. In fact you can double park here just leave your car in neutral so that it can be pushed ahead by someone else wanting to park, they actually double park and just move the car that's in the way, when their ready to leave. This is a legal part of parking in South Korea. For the people that live here it works, they always seem to be able to get out of the stalls. You will also find that there are many cars driving on sidewalks but don't try parking on one you will get towed.
3. The electricity in South Korea is 220 volts, now you may be thinking this is not a problem but I told you Korea has a few quirks. You will find that all the plugs are round with two round prongs attached so if you have brought some of your electronics with you then ask before you plug in! if you don't your electronics could suffer a little. Some of the newer hotels have the same outlets as America but to be on the safe side check with your hotel manager before you use your own. A better idea would be to bring along a power converter especially if you have brought your computer with you.
4. Language can be a problem in any foreign country and its no less in South Korea. Although there is a high rate of English classes in Korea you will meet people that don't know this language or can't understand a full sentence. The way to try and overcome this is by repeating the same quotation you start with, over and over. Don't change it in midstream this will only cause more confusion. Stick with what you said the first time, if you change what your saying it will be harder for the person to understand. Always speak slowly and use simple sentences or words. Koreans don't care about talking English on the phone so if you have to inquire about something it is best to go see them face to face.
5. You may not need this advice but if you do then getting a hair cut in Korea can be somewhat frustrating again it falls back to the language barrier. You will find many places that cut hair but trying to get the haircut you want could be another matter unless you have a friend that will go with you. Korean hair stylist is quick and efficient so waiting time is almost nonexistent.
6. Now this one is one that we all need help with whether we are at home or abroad but Korea is kind of unique when it comes to outside bathrooms so be prepared. If you're lucky you will be thrilled to find a western toilet. Some of the newer hotels have the western toilet and some of the malls. The second choice comes in the form of a hole in the ground. Men as well as women are encouraged to squat over these holes. You will also find that privacy is at a minimum which varies from open stalls to a thin cloth between you and somebody's eyes. Another problem could be toilet paper. You will find some places where there is toilet paper, some places you have to buy it before you use and other places where there are no options whatsoever. It would be wise to always keep your own toilet paper with you.
7. Korea is known for motorcycles as the main mode of getting around. The only problem is that they get around on the sidewalks as well as the streets which can make walking a little unnerving. They are everywhere so be prepared. Everything in Korea is delivered and this is one way of making those deliveries.
8. Bank machines can also be a bit of a nightmare. They are closed down between 11:30 PM and 8 AM so if you need money be sure you get it on the hours that they are open. All of them charge for the use of a bank machine so try and get the cheapest one. They can range from 4% to 8%.
9. Well you can't talk about a foreign country without mentioning the water, DON' DRINK IT! It is for external use only unless you want to end up sick while you're there. It is much safer to buy bottled water you can get this delivered but sometimes the price can be a little high. It can also be bought in corner stores.
So there is the list of something's to watch out for when you're visiting South Korea. They are a little odd but necessary. There are a lot of positive things about this country that more than balances out the inconveniences that you may have to go through. We travel to experience new adventures and cultures don't let a few inconveniences' hold you back from the experience of a lifetime.
Asian Girls in shorts advice for visiting South Korea